U.S. Supreme Court landmark ruling–Same Sex Marriage Legal

June 26, 2015 will be remembered as a landmark day in our Country’s history.  There will be no more discrimination against same sex couples in the United States.  States like Florida can no longer refuse to recognize same sex marriages from other states and, for all intents and purposes, this ugly chapter of discrimination is now over.  In a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled that states cannot discriminate against same sex couples.  In essence, the Court has created an entirely new civil right, allowing same sex couples to enjoy the very same legal rights as traditionally married couples.


Leto | Bassuk has been a supporter of gay marital rights and has challenged the Florida Courts in the past to allow same sex couples equal rights.  We have written several blogs about same sex rights, which you can read here and here.  However, because of the existence of discriminatory laws such as the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and state laws in Florida which expressly prohibited gay marriage and gay adoption, these challenges were met with heavy resistance.  However, those days are now over and same sex couples will no longer have to fight for basic rights such as hospital visitation, parental rights, estate rights, and tax benefits.  More importantly, this Country has taken a huge step forward, joining 20 other countries that have refused to allow discrimination to dictate their laws.



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